Monday, January 3, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR Jessie Followers!

A Hearty Welcome to 2011-

I have not been to our blog in a while and the reasons are so many. Family stuff, tragedies and just life in general, but you know...Jessie Mae Hardaway has been through a lot of changes, and through this period of my personal life challenges, I have come to the computer many times to write and tweak and tweak and write and we are just about prepared to send Jessie's Joy to our publisher for a good "look-see". I will try to navigate something like a sneak preview of a couple of chapters to you loyal Jessie fans.

As far as I know, this is the final "Jessie" book, but who knows? God may inspire again and I may have another. My plans for life after Jessie will be to get my big book, "Minnie's Daughter" out by September of this year. It is non-fiction and the story of my life under very hard
circumstances. I am hoping that "Minnie's Daughter" will lead to a larger and more diverse reading audience, while maintaining the ever enlarging circle of friends that have blessed me in the Jessie segment of my life.

Writing the first Jessie and listening to the new voices in "Jessie's Joy" continues to be quite
the exciting ride. We get a glimpse of the original characters in different settings and situations and we get to meet the new characters who meld with the old and bring out different moods and ideas. I am really excited about "Jessie's Joy" so please know that some excerpts are coming your way.

I trust that everyone had a joyous Christmas and New Year celebrations and are thanking
God for His goodness. I look forward to serving you more and learning more about all of you as time passes, and if you have the time..please tell someone about "Jessie's House" while I continue the journey to Jessie in the upcoming book.

Speaking of writing, my son Steven Silas has written a children's book, entitled "Where Do Bubbles Go"? This book is delightful and well illustrated by my eldest ( age 44) son.
I am giving a shameless plug because I am so proud of him. He has overcome a lot, as
many of my adult children have.

All for now, just wanted to touch bases and let you know I am still here, still thinking about you all, thanking you for your love and trusting God for all the outcomes in my life!

Love and blessings!