Saturday, June 19, 2010

Heading Towards Sixty Three..With God's Help!

Whoo-hoo....I think of this girl, this image...this woman, beaten and raped and battered in her twenties, maligned and talked about, sleeping in hallways and on the couches of strangers. I think of this girl that you see before you...the mother of eleven ( counting ALL pregnancies) grandmother to thirteen ( that I know of) having buried two children, my parents and know of the deaths of many dear friends, raised some grandchildren, got hooked on alcohol, been into street walking if you know what I mean. Shot at, hit over and over in the face, and hey, what does God do? Well, He
BLESSES His little girl. He watched sadly as I made one wrong decision after another, but He also remembered the little girl who talked to birds and read storybooks to her dolls and teddy bears. Through the platinum blonde wigs, false eyelashes, hot pants too hot to bend over in, the drunken stupors and alley fights, He saw His little girl, and when she cried out to Him, He came running and RESTORED what the locusts tried to DESTROY..God put back what had been stolen. He gave me a new song, a new outlook, a new feminine walk, He cleaned up my language, syphened the toxins from my body, caused me to walk again when the doctors said, "You will never walk again" in 2002! Whoo-hoo! Hallelujah!
Victory in Jesus is not just an idle saying to me, it is what I live and breathe. He gave me a new attitude, put a glide in my stride and a dip in my hip! AND SISTERS, it is never too late...never, never, never, never, too late. I ama living witness...and yes, there are aches and pains and forgetfulness from time to time, but I know my REDEEMER LIVES!
Don't get me started!
Love and Blessings!

1 comment:

Mama Jay's GoodNews...As I See It said...

God's Amazing Grace - Ain't it grand how He covers us!