Tuesday, April 13, 2010

First Amazing Amazon Sale!

Today is such a wonderful day! God is doing extraordinary things in my life and I can only be grateful and thankful and sing His praises forever!
Jessie's House has and continues to be a surprising success, and I have sold many copies. All of the copies were sold strictly from my house, and I never told my readers how it felt to get a taxi to the post office, take the books to be weighed, etc and I didnt want these precious friends to believe they were being a burden or a nuisance.

After all, they were purchasing a book from a brand new ( at least to them) author. I had a little bit of a track record through my online devotionals and
writing on the Internet, but they were taking a great chance to pay for a book
by a woman who was not yet listed on Amazon.

You know, for some people, Amazon is the cat's pajamas and if you are not listed there, you remain a nobody as far as the literary world is concerned!
I had no idea how I would get on there but finally, nine months after the book was published, I figured it out, and tonight..which really is LAST night, now...I got my first sale on Amazon and read my first official Amazon review!


Also sent out an excerpt of my manuscript entitled "Minnie's Gift" to Oprah. Yes I did! I have sent out books to Art Cunningham who gave me my first start on local television, to Reverend Fran Times-Mack of Sundie Morning Sistas, to Pastor Ann Sandell of Love Power Ministries, and have more to send, but God is blessing this work, and many have been encouraged.

I have a lot of reviews from the private sector and they are all good! Thank you, Lord! My life is turning around daily and I thank You for the insight, the wisdom and the strength to go on! Hallelujah!

This is my first blog under this title. I hope to keep it going!
In Him Sister Zee


GentleLady66 said...

Zee! I am so proud of you, my Sister. I knew that your book was going to be a huge success!! I will soon add my name to the list of purchasers of "Jessie's House." I can't wait until I can send for it. I am happy that you started your blog. Great way to keep in touch. God is blessing you abundantly, and I am so happy for you. Love and prayers, Sister Trish

GentleLady66 said...

May 14, 2010
Hello my dear Sister in Christ. I do hope that sales of "Jessie's House" are going well. I am still waiting to hear from the publisher to see if they are interested in my writings, poetry and short stories. Hope so. My writing juices are burning to write some more, but I want to see if there is a chance that they are interested. I love getting your daily notes, and am so glad that you have your blog. Have a wonderful GOod day. A friend of mine who was a Priest, but found his real vocation to be a husband and father uses GOod ...combining God and Good together. I thought that was quite smart of him. He is a teacher in a Christian school, and teaches Catechism classes, and is very active in his Catholic Church. He will always be a Priest...as once ordained, that never goes away unless you get de-frocked by the Pope. He is in good standing, as he wrote the Pope and was released from his vows to marry. I am so torn sometimes about the vows of celebacy that Priest and Religious have to take. I understand the reasons behind it, which is so that they can devote themselves to their work for GOD, but I know that like my friend, he is fulfilled as a husband and father, as well as doing his GOD works. Maybe someday, the church will re-think about no marriage, and we will see a change happen. But until then, he will be a GOod desciple of Christ in the work that he does. Blessings, Trish